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SSgt Dewan/MWD Alan, SrA Hicks/MWD Ajax, SSgt Conkright/MWD Raudi
SSgt Cornelison & Kennel Master TSgt Kisner in front of a picture that an elementary school made us
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS

L/R: SrA Near 824 SFS - A1C Hoffer 823 SFS - SrA Fuller 823 SFS and A1C Keller 823 SFS
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS

Ex Ba'ath Party Stronghold just outside Albu Hishma village
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS

Weapons cache found by 823rd SFS
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS

SSgt Sherrie Conkright and MWD Raudi at their search pit
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS

SSgt Sherrie Conkright and MWD Raudi at a Traffic Control Point in Iraq searching for explosives
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS

A3 Operations Staff at Talil AB,Iraq
Kneeling L/R: SSgt Joe Kearns, TSgt Mark Evans (K9), TSgt Ed James
Standing L/R: TSgt Brad Jackson, TSgt Robert Richardson, TSgt Kelly Nagel,
Capt Kevin Walker, MSgt Lawrence Rettele, SSgt Eric Adams
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup

Manas - located in Kyrgyzstan (old Russia)
Opened during Operation Enduring Freedom to support operations in Afghanistan
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup

Ed & SSgt Bosques prior to convoy brief - Baghdad 04
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup

822nd SFS, Talil AB,Iraq
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup

House on Osterlitz road close to Balad City, Iraq
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS

Handler SSgt Rider and MWD Rex
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS

School days - rule days - voting station
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS

SSgt Sherrie Conkright and MWD Raudi
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS

2004-2005 Safe side Team in Balad Iraq
Photo courtesy: Sra Brent Slemp - 823nd SFS

Sra Megyesi - A1C Slemp - SSgt Stockton
Photo courtesy: Sra Brent Slemp - 823nd SFS

Senior Airman Fuller doing LP/OP along the Tigris River close to Balad City, Iraq
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS


Photo's submitted for use on these pages become property of Safeside Association and are protected by copyright laws, do not copy photos without express permission from Safeside Association.


 Spring 2018


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