SSgt Dewan/MWD Alan, SrA Hicks/MWD Ajax, SSgt Conkright/MWD Raudi
SSgt Cornelison & Kennel Master TSgt Kisner in front of a picture that an elementary school made us
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS
L/R: SrA Near 824 SFS - A1C Hoffer 823 SFS - SrA Fuller 823 SFS and A1C Keller 823 SFS
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS
Ex Ba'ath Party Stronghold just outside Albu Hishma village
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS
Weapons cache found by 823rd SFS
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS
SSgt Sherrie Conkright and MWD Raudi at their search pit
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS
SSgt Sherrie Conkright and MWD Raudi at a Traffic Control Point in Iraq searching for explosives
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS
A3 Operations Staff at Talil AB,Iraq
Kneeling L/R: SSgt Joe Kearns, TSgt Mark Evans (K9), TSgt Ed James
Standing L/R: TSgt Brad Jackson, TSgt Robert Richardson, TSgt Kelly Nagel,
Capt Kevin Walker, MSgt Lawrence Rettele, SSgt Eric Adams
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup
Manas - located in Kyrgyzstan (old Russia)
Opened during Operation Enduring Freedom to support operations in Afghanistan
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup
Ed & SSgt Bosques prior to convoy brief - Baghdad 04
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup
822nd SFS, Talil AB,Iraq
Photo courtesy: MSgt Ed James - 820th SFGroup
House on Osterlitz road close to Balad City, Iraq
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS
Handler SSgt Rider and MWD Rex
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS
School days - rule days - voting station
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS
SSgt Sherrie Conkright and MWD Raudi
Photo courtesy: SSgt Sherrie Conkright - 822nd SFS
2004-2005 Safe side Team in Balad Iraq
Photo courtesy: Sra Brent Slemp - 823nd SFS
Sra Megyesi - A1C Slemp - SSgt Stockton
Photo courtesy: Sra Brent Slemp - 823nd SFS
Senior Airman Fuller doing LP/OP along the Tigris River close to Balad City, Iraq
Photo courtesy: SrA Michael Fuller - 823rd SFS
Photo's submitted for use on these pages become property of Safeside Association and are protected by copyright laws, do not copy photos without express permission from Safeside Association.