Submitted by: Bill Cummings - October 17, 2005
Are you ready for some more good news?
With the help of TSgt Matt Rebholz (407th ESFS) of Ali Air Base, we have adopted our second kennel under the command of TSgt Jason Somers (506th ESFS – 823rd deployed from Moody AFB) at Kirkuk, Air Base, Iraq.
They have eight men personnel assigned including TSgt Somers, a Trainer/Supervisor, and 6 handlers – and you know what – due to your generous help we have ordered the following supplies for them and they are enroute as you read this e-mail.
6 Large Guardian Pet Cots (36"L x 30"W x 7"H) (Pet Edge)
Ordered 4 79401 COOLDANNA™ Cooling Dog Mat (26" x 36") Blue - Large
Roshgo Corporation
6 Coastal Shedding Blades
6 Kygen Port-A-Bowl
6 Classic long tooth undercoat rakes
6 PSI Water Holes
Dressler’s Dog Supplies
Here’s a little about Kirkuk Airbase Kirkuk Airbase is located in northern Iraq approximately 240 kilometers North of Baghdad on the West side of the city of Kirkuk. This Iraqi military facility is located 1.6 km W of Kirkuk
The airfield is served by two main runways measuring 9,700 and 8,400 feet. It has one 2,800 m asphalt and one 2,325 m graded earth runway; one 2,900 m runway under construction. This is a major Iraqi Air Force base with support facilities for at least two fighter squadrons. It is strategically located near the Kirkuk oil fields and the Kirkuk refinery and petrochemical plant. Kirkuk Airbase occupies a 9 square kilometer site and is protected by 12 kilometers of security perimeter.
Our support will go to the 506 ESFS – MWD (823rd deployed from Moody) Section.
Great job guys – please be patient with us – we are working on the adoption hookups – and they will be released in the near future. Monty is traveling and I leave for Alaska for a week on Sunday. We’re old and slow – but, we’re good. If anyone has any questions that I can answer – please contact me today or not later than Saturday. I can’t begin to tell you how good a job you have done. Both kennels are very appreciative of our support and just the fact that we care so much for them.
So, start thinking about care packages for our troops! Trust me, when I get back from Alaska on the 19th – we’ll probably have TSgt’s Rebholz and Somers do some more inquiries to see if anyone else needs any help also.
Almost forgot – Dale Miller (Ubon) had the pleasure of meeting TSgt Somers at Ft. Benning when they both attended the Georgia War Dog Proclamation with Governor Sonny Purdue. They exchanged K9 items and as TSgt Somers said – “WOW – what a small world”. Once again, thanks to everyone. Stay tuned for more
Bill Cummings